

Synaesthesia is an experience of cross-modal sensuality - 'hearing pink', 'seeing green', tasting shapes or feeling sounds. I think we are all latently synaesthetic, and that a cinematic work has the capacity to bring about a synaesthetic experience if it is made in a personal, artisanal and ethical way, when the filmmaker and the filmed material sensually respond to one another. 'Peach' is an attempt at making a piece of 'Synaesthetic Cinema'.

I discovered that Jojo, my boyfriend's daughter and my lovely friend, is synaesthetic, which is something that nobody had realised. She experiences numbers and days of the week with colours, and the numbers 2, 6 and 8 all have distinct yet related colours - they are each variants of a type of orangey-peach. My method of filming and use of camera filters combined to create a peachy hue to my film, and Peach is also a nickname my mum gave me as a child, and one that I call Jojo too. 'Peach' is a personal and sensual meditation on the nature of us and the nature of film.

Shot on Super 8 and entirely processed and edited by hand.

Sight by Sonar


Nail Art